Ashwagandha aside from being tricky to spell (i.e. - NOT Ashwaghana, ashwaghanda or ashwarganda) is a potent adaptogenic tonic herb that's been used and celebrated in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries.

Also known as Indian ginseng or Winter Cherry (Withania somnifera), the benefits of taking ashwagandha are numerous and wide-ranging, with modern science now confirming what's been known by Ayurveda for thousands of years.

Below I'll take you through the amazing benefits of Ashwagandha and where I believe is the best place to buy the most potent, clean and ethical Australian-produced extract (as well as subscriber-only bonus on offer for our readers!).


  1. The Best Ashwagandha in Australia
  2. The Health Benefits of Ashwagandha Powder
  3. Our Bonus Offer for Readers
Dried Ashwagandha Root

The Best Ashwagandha in Australia:

From running a successful health food cafe through to sampling and reviewing more products than I count - I assure you I now know or thing or 2 about what it takes to make a super high-quality product. It's important to be careful when choosing where to buy natural supplements such as Ashwagandha, there are many shady producers out there with questionable business practices and poor sourcing standards.

Without knowing the background of your supplier, you can be unwittingly contributing to unethical work practices and taking products that are not only low-potency but potentially contaminated and bad for your health!

After trying and testing a number of ashwagandha products and doing some solid research into the brands behind them, the team at SuperFeast are my recommended supplier by a long shot for Ashwagandha powder in Australia (as well as many other herbs and medicinal mushrooms) for a number of reasons:
  1. Amazing Customer Service - seriously, you won't receive a more personal package, better communication or higher quality standards anywhere - SuperFeast is renowned for their attention detail.
  2. Impeccable Sourcing Standards - SuperFeast goes to extremes to uphold the Di Tao philosophy, meaning all products are sourced wild or wild-crafted in their home regions. This allows the ashwagandha to develop maximum. potency as it grows naturally without human interference or external inputs. This extract is sourced in its natural homeland of Northern India.
  3. Complete Transparency - As a 100% family-owned business, SuperFeast put it all on the table. From internal and independent pesticide, heavy metal & microbiological testing through to regular audits and supplier visits, they are always working to operate to the highest standard. You can view all these practices in detail here.
  4. Uniquely Processed for Super High-Potency -SuperFeast Ashwagandha powder is extracted in a 10:1 ratio, meaning that 10kg of raw root is processed down to 1kg. Processing is done in a 3 stage high-pressure single water extraction with respect to the individual temperature and extraction time limits of the herb. All of this results in maximum potency and bioavailability.

Ashwagandha is only a relatively recent addition to the SuperFeast range as it took them YEARS to track to down suppliers that met their incredibly strict sourcing standards. All in all, as far as Australian tonic herb and medicinal mushroom producers go, these guys are setting the standard!

Find out how to buy and get the best pricing SuperFeast Ashwaghanda here
10:1, 3-stage extracted Ashwagandha Root Powder

Health Benefits of Ashwagandha Powder:

If you've landed here looking for the best place to buy Ashwagandha I assume you probably know a thing or two about it already! That being said, you may be here for other reasons, and there is also a lot of misinformation out there so let me quickly take you through exactly what it is and why you should be taking it.

As an adaptogenic herb, ashwagandha is a highly celebrated Aryuvedic medicine used to treat many different illnesses but is most widely known as a nerve tonic, stress reducer and energy booster.

It's name in Sanskrit means 'smell of the horse', thought to refer to it's unique aroma (yum!) and ability to increase stamina. Don't be put off by it's pungent flavour, there are some great recipes that work beautifully with it, and the health benefits are definitely worth it!

Cementing what's been known for millenia by many cultures, western science has uncovered a huge range of clinical applications for Aswaghanda with numerous peer-reviewed studies indicating significant benefits for:

There are many more applications currently being explored however the data is still limited - don't be surprised to see this list of science-supported health benefits growing longer and longer over the next few years.

Dried Root & Powder

Any Questions?:

I hope I've given you a few great reasons to try this amazing healing herb out for yourself, as well as a solid supplier you can buy Ashwaghanda from with confidence here in Australia.

I'd like you to know that if you choose to purchase from SuperFeast via links in this article we will receive a slight commission, at no extra cost to you - I believe that it's important that we are 100% transparent with this.

Secondly, I've been using recommending them long before we ever worked with them so as I've discussed with all bonuses aside, I honestly believe you won't find a better source.

Finally, I mentioned that we have a great bonus on offer for our readers, it's the largest standard discount available anywhere on SuperFeast Ashwaghanda - to grab yours, simply join our email list at the very top of this page and check your inbox!

Huge thanks again - if you have any comments, questions or queries - don't hesitate to flick an email through to us at

Here's to the smell of the horse!